Designers, if you’re struggling to balance your color palette, there’s a simple yet effective rule that can help you achieve harmony in your designs: the 60-30-10 rule. This tried-and-true formula is widely used in design and interior decorating, and it works wonders for creating visually pleasing compositions.

How the 60-30-10 Rule Works

  1. 60% Background Color: Start by assigning 60% of your color palette to the background. This dominant color sets the overall tone of your design and provides a solid foundation for the other colors to stand out.
  2. 30% Secondary Color: Use 30% of your palette for text or elements. This secondary color supports the background color and adds visual interest without overpowering the design. It helps to guide the viewer’s eye and highlights important content.
  3. 10% Accent Color (CDA – Call to Action): Finally, reserve 10% of your palette for the accent color, which is typically used for calls to action (CDA) or other key elements that you want to draw attention to. This pop of color provides contrast and emphasis, making sure important details don’t go unnoticed.

Why It Works

The 60-30-10 rule creates a balanced and harmonious color palette that’s easy on the eyes. It ensures that no single color dominates the design while providing enough contrast to keep things visually interesting.


By following the 60-30-10 rule, you can create a perfectly balanced color palette that enhances your design without overwhelming the viewer. Remember, design smarter, not harder!

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