Designers, imagine this scenario: You visit a doctor with a health issue, and instead of diagnosing your problem and recommending a treatment, the doctor hands you a list of medicines and lets you choose. Sounds confusing and inefficient, right? The same principle applies to design. Our role isn’t to overwhelm clients with numerous options but to diagnose their design problems and prescribe the best solution. Here’s why focusing on clear, actionable solutions benefits both you and your clients.

The Problem with Offering Too Many Options

  1. Confusion and Overwhelm: Just like a patient faced with multiple medications, clients can feel overwhelmed by too many design options. This can lead to indecision, delays, and frustration, ultimately impacting the project’s progress.
  2. Diluted Focus: When clients are presented with several options, they may struggle to see the overall vision or the best approach to solve their problem. This can dilute the focus and effectiveness of the design solution.
  3. Extended Timelines: More options mean more discussions and revisions. This can extend project timelines and complicate the design process, making it less efficient for both parties.

The Value of Prescribing a Clear Solution

  1. Expertise and Trust: Just as you trust a doctor to diagnose and prescribe the right treatment, clients rely on you to use your expertise to provide the best design solution. By offering a clear recommendation, you position yourself as a knowledgeable advisor who understands their needs.
  2. Efficiency: A single, well-thought-out solution streamlines the decision-making process, reducing the need for lengthy discussions and revisions. This leads to faster project turnaround and a more efficient workflow.
  3. Strong Direction: Providing a clear solution ensures that the design direction is focused and aligned with the client’s goals. This leads to more cohesive and impactful results.

How to Effectively Prescribe Design Solutions

  1. Understand the Problem: Begin by thoroughly understanding the client’s needs, goals, and challenges. Conduct in-depth discussions and research to diagnose the core design problem.
  2. Present a Well-Considered Solution: Based on your diagnosis, propose a design solution that addresses the problem and aligns with the client’s objectives. Clearly explain why this solution is the best choice and how it will benefit them.
  3. Justify Your Recommendation: Provide a rationale for your solution. Use data, examples, or case studies to support your recommendation and demonstrate its effectiveness.
  4. Be Prepared for Questions: Clients may have questions or concerns about the proposed solution. Be ready to address these and provide additional information or clarification as needed.
  5. Maintain Flexibility: While you should offer a clear solution, remain open to feedback and adjustments. Flexibility ensures that the final design meets the client’s needs while staying true to your expert recommendations.

Practical Tips for Implementation

  • Develop a Clear Design Brief: A well-defined design brief helps in diagnosing the problem accurately and proposing the most suitable solution.
  • Communicate Clearly: Use simple language to explain your solution and its benefits. Avoid jargon or overly technical terms that may confuse clients.
  • Showcase Your Expertise: Demonstrate your expertise through your portfolio, case studies, or testimonials. This builds confidence in your recommendations.


In design, just as in medicine, it’s our job to diagnose the problem and prescribe the best solution without overwhelming our clients with too many options. By focusing on clear, actionable recommendations, you streamline the design process, build trust, and deliver more effective results.

So, next time you’re working with a client, remember to diagnose the problem and present a well-considered solution. It’s a more efficient approach that benefits both you and your clients, leading to successful and satisfying outcomes.

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