As designers, one of our key goals is to create logos that leave a lasting impression. But how can you tell if your logo is truly memorable? Here’s a quick and effective test: share your logo with a friend, and then ask them to sketch it from memory the next day. If they can do it, congratulations—you’ve nailed one of the most crucial aspects of a great logo.

Why Memorability Matters in Logo Design

A logo is more than just a visual symbol; it’s the face of a brand. It needs to be simple enough to be easily recognized, yet distinctive enough to stand out from the crowd. A memorable logo sticks in people’s minds, helping to build brand recognition and loyalty over time.

The Sketch Test: How It Works

  1. Share Your Logo: Show your logo to a friend or colleague, but don’t give them too much time to study it—just a quick glance is enough.
  2. Wait a Day: Give it some time. Let the image settle in their mind for 24 hours.
  3. Ask for a Sketch: The next day, ask them to sketch the logo from memory. Pay attention to how accurately they can recreate it. Did they remember the key elements? Was the shape, color, or design consistent with the original?

What the Results Tell You

  • Clear Memory: If your friend can sketch the logo with relative ease, it’s a good sign that your design is both simple and memorable—key qualities of a successful logo.
  • Struggles with Details: If they struggle to recall certain elements, it might indicate that the logo is too complex or lacks distinct features that make it easy to remember.
  • Complete Forgetfulness: If they can’t recall the logo at all, it might be time to reconsider the design’s overall impact and simplicity.

Tips for Designing Memorable Logos

  • Keep It Simple: The simpler the design, the easier it is to remember. Think of iconic logos like Nike’s swoosh or Apple’s apple—simple, yet unforgettable.
  • Make It Unique: Your logo should stand out from the competition. Incorporate unique elements that resonate with the brand’s identity.
  • Use Distinctive Shapes and Colors: Shapes and colors play a crucial role in how well a logo is remembered. Choose elements that are not only visually appealing but also distinctive.


The sketch test is a straightforward and effective way to gauge the memorability of your logo. By testing how well someone can recall and recreate your design from memory, you can gain valuable insights into its impact. Remember, a great logo isn’t just about looking good—it’s about being memorable.

So, the next time you’re working on a logo, give this test a try. It might just help you refine your design and create something truly unforgettable.

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