Designers love the elegance and harmony that the golden ratio brings to their work, especially when it comes to pairing font sizes. It’s a time-tested technique that can make your typography look beautifully balanced. However, while the golden ratio might be a designer’s dream, it can be a web developer’s nightmare. The complex, irrational numbers it produces are difficult to work with in code, leading to frustration and potential inconsistencies.

But don’t worry—there’s an easier way to achieve a perfectly balanced type system without sacrificing design quality. Enter the 2x scale.

What is the 2x Scale?

The 2x scale is a straightforward, easy-to-use method for setting font sizes that are visually balanced and harmonious. Instead of relying on the golden ratio, which involves complex calculations, the 2x scale simply multiplies your base font size by 2 to create a type hierarchy. This method is not only simpler but also more practical for both designers and developers.

How to Use the 2x Scale

  1. Start with a Base Font Size: Begin with a base font size, typically the size of your body copy. For example, if your base font size is 16px, this will be the foundation of your type system.
  2. Multiply by 2: Next, multiply your base font size by 2 to determine the size of your subhead. In this case, 16px x 2 = 32px.
  3. Multiply Again: Multiply the subhead size by 2 to find the size of your headline. Using our example, 32px x 2 = 64px.

And there you have it! You’ve created a simple, balanced type system with body copy, subhead, and headline sizes that all relate harmoniously.

Why the 2x Scale Works

  • Simplicity: The 2x scale is easy to understand and implement, making it a practical choice for both designers and developers.
  • Consistency: This method ensures that your typography is consistent across different headings and body text, creating a cohesive look.
  • Flexibility: While the golden ratio is precise, it can be limiting. The 2x scale gives you more flexibility to adjust font sizes without losing the visual balance.

Practical Benefits for Developers

Web developers appreciate the 2x scale because it translates into clean, consistent code. There are no awkward decimals or irrational numbers to deal with—just simple, whole numbers that make CSS styling a breeze. This approach helps maintain design integrity while ensuring that the development process is smooth and error-free.


While the golden ratio can create beautifully harmonious designs, it’s not always the most practical choice, especially when it comes to web development. The 2x scale offers a simpler, more flexible solution that still delivers a balanced and aesthetically pleasing type system. By multiplying your base font size by 2, you can easily establish a clear hierarchy with body copy, subheads, and headlines that work together seamlessly.

So, next time you’re setting up your typography, give the 2x scale a try. It’s a designer-friendly, developer-approved method that ensures your type system is as functional as it is beautiful.

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